E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2006

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD SM RE: PURCHASING ITEMS MINUTES

Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Call to Order: 2:25 p.m.
  2. Public Comments: Jan Porter
  3. P1 Athletic Trainers for FY 07
    I recommend approval of the standard contract for Certified Athletic Trainers for the FY 07 school year     and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all necessary documents. - PASS
    Minutes: Individual high schools through the athletic director and/or principal will select an athletic trainer for their school to cover sports (boys and girls). Athletic trainers must be certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association (N.A.T.A.) and licensed in Florida. The District will compensate each athletic trainer up to $22,500 ($15,000 for those with fewer sports) per high school based upon 1,000 hours of service of which a minimum of 250 hours will be allocated to each of the three sports seasons (fall, winter, spring); schools having fewer sports and teams will compensate the trainers based upon the hours needed. The athletic trainers will work with the athletes and coaches based upon individual needs at the school. Practice, game and event coverage will be coordinated and schedules agreed upon by both parties. Special attention will be given to those sports with the most potential for injuries (football, soccer, basketball and wrestling) but not to the exclusion of any other sport. Professional liability and comprehensive general liability insurance are required from all athletic trainers/providers as indicated in the contract. A sample standard contract between the School Board of Palm Beach County and a medical provider / athletic trainer is attached that includes a Hold Harmless clause. The contract period is August 1, 2006 through July 31, 2007. The Legal Department has reviewed this contract with special attention to indemnification and liability and has approved this contract for form and legal sufficiency.
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Paulette Burdick
      Second: Mark Hansen
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Aye
      Paulette Burdick - Aye
      Monroe Benaim - Aye
      Mark Hansen - Aye

  4. P2 Transportation of Special Needs Students
    I recommend approval of the negotiated agreements with various vendors for the transportation of special needs / disabled students and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all necessary documents.   I further recommend that the School Board approve additional estimated expenditures on the negotiated agreements for FY 06 Transportation of Special Needs / Disabled Students in the not-to-exceed amount of $350,000. - PASS
    Minutes: In order to support the needs of our Special Needs/Disabled Students in the area of transportation, it was determined that direct negotiations were needed as bids were solicited in the past and were deemed non-responsive. Med Aide Services and Palm Beach Metro Transportation are the two companies who have been providing services to the District. Med Aide is a certified minority vendor. In 2001 Congress passed the McKinney-Vento Act to strengthen existing laws which gave children and youth in homeless situations the right to go to school, no matter where they lived or how long they had lived there. This law gives children and youth in homeless situations, shelters and temporary foster care the right to stay in their school of origin if they move and to receive transportation services to school for a determined period of time. In some situations our current vendors provide transportation primarily by taxi service. The new negotiated contracts will be from July 31, 2006 through July 30, 2008. Copies of the agreements for the two current vendors are attached. Contracts will be negotiated for the forthcoming contract period. The Legal Department has reviewed this contract with special attention to indemnification and liability and has approved this contract for form and legal sufficiency.
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Paulette Burdick
      Second: Monroe Benaim
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Aye
      Paulette Burdick - Aye
      Monroe Benaim - Aye
      Mark Hansen - Aye

  5. P3 Consultant Contract for Bonnie Valdes Consulting
    I recommend award of the consultant contract with Bonnie Valdes Consulting and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents. - PASS
    Minutes: P3 The Consultant shall perform the following services: The consultant will provide a four day workshop on CRISS lesson planning to be held on June 26, 27, 28 and 29, 2006.
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Paulette Burdick
      Second: Monroe Benaim
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Aye
      Paulette Burdick - Aye
      Monroe Benaim - Aye
      Mark Hansen - Aye

  6. P4 Consultant Contract for Judith Kurzawski
    I recommend award of the consultant contract with Judith Kurzawski and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents. - PASS
    Minutes: P4 The Consultant shall perform the following services: Compile and complete the update for the Academic Business Plan for the Palm Beach County School District.
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Sandra Richmond
      Second: Mark Hansen
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Aye
      Paulette Burdick - Aye
      Monroe Benaim - Aye
      Mark Hansen - Aye

  7. Adjourn: 2:30 p.m.


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